As people age, they will develop new concerns, as will their families. From a senior’s perspective, there is a need to protect the assets acquired throughout life and to decide on how remaining assets should be distributed upon death.

However, in the meantime, given good health and awareness, life goes on and decisions must be made in day-to-day situations. Sometimes, this may involve seeking legal advice. Benjamin Franklin said, “An investment in knowledge pays the best interest.”

At Vice & Hunter LLP, we can provide you with the legal knowledge you need to make informed decisions for yourself and your family. Our lawyers can act as your legal counsellors. We will listen to your concerns, explain your legal options and develop a plan to help you achieve your goals.

Providing Guidance To Seniors And Their Families

A family may find that a father, mother or an older relative is experiencing physical or mental difficulties and may want to assist. How is this done? What are the legalities? Who gets to make the choices? All of these decisions will benefit from legal input.

If you want to understand your personal legal rights or are an individual in need of advice respecting an elder’s legal rights, it would be wise to obtain the input of a knowledgeable lawyer at an early stage. Some of the areas that we can help you consider include:

  • Abuse of the elderly
  • Age discrimination
  • Asset protection
  • Disability
  • Guardianship
  • Mental health issues
  • Powers of attorney

Contact Vice & Hunter LLP

To learn more about our elder law services, please call 613-701-0898 or complete our online contact form below to schedule a consultation. Our office is located in Ottawa, Ontario, and we serve clients throughout the Ottawa Valley.