What Is Constructive Dismissal?
Constructive dismissal occurs when significant changes to your job, or environment, force you to leave your role. This could include changing your job function, or harassment and other discriminatory behaviours in the workplace.
The employment lawyers of Vice & Hunter LLP have been helping individuals fight for sufficient compensation following a constructive dismissal since 1975. Based in Ottawa, we offer a customized legal approach to clients throughout Eastern Ontario.
Understanding Employment Law
Employers may make certain changes to your role without your consent. With 40+ years ofemployment law experience, our firm knows what changes employers are allowed to make, and what changes extend beyond what is allowed.
Being forced out of a job due to significant negative changes doesn’t mean you can’t apply for compensation. Our legal team will help you pursue adequate compensation for this type of wrongful dismissal, as well as payment for your financial losses or damages.
Customizing A Legal Strategy For You
Constructive dismissal cases are complex as they require many details to be proven to establish the significant, negative changes that forced you to leave your position.
This is why it’s important to contact a firm with extensive experience in employment law. At Vice & Hunter LLP, we will help you gather the necessary information to build your case, and identify the key legal issues in your matter. We then explain how the law applies to your case, the outcomes you can expect to see, and how we can pursue the goals you wish to achieve.
Meet With Our Employment Lawyers Today
Contact our offices and arrange a consultation with our legal team to find out how we can help you with your constructive dismissal claim. Call 613-701-0898 or 866-252-0670 toll-free or contact us using our online form below.